Dreamwater Web Page FAQ

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How to make a new account:

The first step in making an account is going to the sign up page. Next you will be taken to the actual sign up page. You first need to read over the rules and terms of agreement (if there are any) and if you agree to these rules, check the "I Agree" box and proceed to fill out the short form. The form will first ask you for the member name you want; this name will be used both in the address of your page but also as your login name when editing the page. The next field is your email address, in this field you need to enter a valid email address as instructions and your password will be mailed to it. The Last field is your name. This is simple for use by the administrators and in your web directory listing. Once you have fully filled out all these fields, click the submit button and you will be taken to a new page.

On this new page you should see a box confirming that you signed up and telling you the location of your web page along with the location of the HomeFree file manager. If you see anything other then this box, then there is an error with your account information or with the server. If the error appears to be about your username, email address or name, click your browser's back button and correct your entered information.
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How to log into your account:

Once you have successfully created an account, wait a few minutes and then check your email. You should have received a message containing your user name and password along with the location for the HomeFree file manager. If you have not received an email then wait a little while longer and check again. If you still have no email then the email address you entered was invalid or there is a server error and you should contact the site webmaster. Once you are at the login page, enter the user name that you selected along with your password and click the submit button. You will the be taken to your file manager where you can edit and make your web site. For more help on making your site, see the rest of our faq.

[Login Example]

More information on viewing by file types can be found at page3.php#view. The "Remember My Login Information" will set a cookie with your account name and settings (besides teh password) so you do not have to enter them when returning to the site at a later date.

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