"The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth His handywork"
(Psalm 19: 1)

"I will praise thee, O Lord my God with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore." (Psalm 86: 12)

Although we hope never to be labeled pessimists or doomsayers, we believe that there are deepening problems and crises that lie ahead for the world and more specifically, our country and the followers of Jesus Christ. It is our primary goal with this website, to assist those who are Christians to be kept aware of these dangers and their imminence.

We also hope to bring together many links to sources of Bible study and faith enrichment to all students who are striving to learn more about God and His Son. We are not here to bring controversy and disagreement, however, we do disagree with those religions who deny or teach anything contrary to the teaching of the Holy Bible and especially those who deny that Jesus Christ was literally the son of the Almighty God and that he had no earthly biological father. We do not hate those people, nor do we desire to see them forced to accept true biblical doctrine. We are thankful for the freedom that all men enjoy to be free moral agents, granted to them by this nation and by Almighty God Himself.

We do, however, recognize the commands given to us by God to teach His truths to all men, and this we try to do. Ultimately, it is each individual's responsibility, and right, to choose whom and how he will serve. Our responsibility is only to teach and to warn of the consequences.

We will not promote or stress any particular denomination's dogma. Nor will we choose to criticize or ridicule any of their teachings. But as Peter said in Acts 5:29, "We ought to obey God rather than man." We will, therefore strive to teach the Holy Scriptures to the best of our ability. If any are offended by His word, so be it. The problem exists that someone, somewhere will disagree with any and every thing taught in the Holy Bible. It is the duty of Christians everywhere to declare the truths of the Bible, in love, and thus discharge their duty to God.

Having said that, we do expect to link to virtually any and all doctrinal teachings among the spectrum of Christianity, and perhaps even those of atheistic teachings and other religions. They will, however, be preceded by a disclaimer that we do not necessarily agree or accept those doctrines. These will be linked to assist students in their learning of other religions and also for all Christians to compare teachings with that of the Bible.

In conjunction with this website, we produce a periodic ezine of timely news events and updatings of older events of interest to Christians. Subscriptions to this newsletter are free and may be acquired simply by CLICKING AND MAILING HERE. If you find our website and/or the newswletter to be helpful and edifying, we plead with you to help us in this undertaking by directing others to them.(jhh)




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