Hentai Onna-Gumi


 Gundam Wing Fanfiction

 Hentai Onna-Gumi


 Gentleman's Auxiliary

 The Pledge

 "I solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of Hentai Onnas everywhere. To
perv where no-one has perved before; to drool at every possible
opportunity; to interpret the most innocent looks and simplest lines
as something kinky. I will defend my fascination with cute anime hunks
with the protest 'But It's Cultural!' and continue with 'Don't Tell Me
You're Jealous Of A Drawing!', then wind it all up with 'I Have No
Problem Telling The Difference Between Fantasy And Reality. Honest.' I
will furthermore do my utmost to draw others into this fascination,
for we will not be content until the whole world is under our spell!"

 Our Motto

 "I am HENTAI, Hear me ROAR!"


Mel President for Life
Christy Vice President/ Second in Command
Ashura Chief Advisor and Third Banana
Kendra Official Provider of 2X3 Lemons
So Leo Protector of Fiery Hentai Passions
Kelroni Keeper of 3x4/4x3 Lemony Sap
Sarah The Official Hentai Sensei
Jay Sie, Die Ist Hentai!
Lady K First Hentai Knight, Protector of 1XR Lemons
Janai  Chief Prophetess of all that's Hentai and Bizarre
Rhina Hime  Lady Hentai - Provider of Lemony 5xS
VegetasLoverGirl Official Keeper of the Neko-jins
Dan Official Executive Officer of the Gentleman's Auxiliary
Raven Official Sheperdess of the Fledgling Hentai
Nika  Keeper of the 1X2/2X1 Lemons
Akima   Keeper of the Hentai Onnas' Sugar Stash
Kathryn Keeper of the 2X5/5X2 Archive
Nathan Beta Reader Extraordinaire - Gentleman's Auxiliary
KaxMax Mascot and Beta Listener - Gentleman's Auxiliary
Yuuki Miyaka Priestess of PWP
L-Chan  Keeper of 1X2/2X1 Angst
Asuka Official Artist
Moon Lily Keeper of the Kawaii Chibis
Wordsmith Chief Corrupter Of All That Is Innocent, Wholesome And Pure
Lady DarkAngel Lady Protector of POVs
Shira Purveyor of Duo's Emotional Explication
Beck Keeper of the 1xR Doujinshis
Manon Official Hentai Beta Reader
Ashkara Hentai Warrior Princess
Tenshi-chan Angel of Sap & Fluff
SteelSong Goddess of Shingami's Basement
Kiyakotari Angel of Pain and Sorrow
 Kennith Slave of Duo and Wufei
 Excel Kobayashi  Guardian of Une's Glasses
 Dogmatix  Keeper of the Plushies
 Jessica  Keeper of Wufei's sword and Duo's lockpicks / Pimp-Mama Extraordinaire
 Brad  Beta Reader of Gentleman's Auxiliary and Shinigami's Disciple




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