perv where no-one has perved before; to drool at every possible opportunity; to interpret the most innocent looks and simplest lines as something kinky. I will defend my fascination with cute anime hunks with the protest 'But It's Cultural!' and continue with 'Don't Tell Me You're Jealous Of A Drawing!', then wind it all up with 'I Have No Problem Telling The Difference Between Fantasy And Reality. Honest.' I will furthermore do my utmost to draw others into this fascination, for we will not be content until the whole world is under our spell!" |
Mel | President for Life |
Christy | Vice President/ Second in Command |
Ashura | Chief Advisor and Third Banana |
Kendra | Official Provider of 2X3 Lemons |
So Leo | Protector of Fiery Hentai Passions |
Kelroni | Keeper of 3x4/4x3 Lemony Sap |
Sarah | The Official Hentai Sensei |
Jay | Sie, Die Ist Hentai! |
Lady K | First Hentai Knight, Protector of 1XR Lemons |
Stephanie | |
Janai | Chief Prophetess of all that's Hentai and Bizarre |
Rhina Hime | Lady Hentai - Provider of Lemony 5xS |
Rchan | |
VegetasLoverGirl | Official Keeper of the Neko-jins |
Sara | |
Dan | Official Executive Officer of the Gentleman's Auxiliary |
Raven | Official Sheperdess of the Fledgling Hentai |
Nika | Keeper of the 1X2/2X1 Lemons |
Akima | Keeper of the Hentai Onnas' Sugar Stash |
Kathryn | Keeper of the 2X5/5X2 Archive |
Nathan | Beta Reader Extraordinaire - Gentleman's Auxiliary |
KaxMax | Mascot and Beta Listener - Gentleman's Auxiliary |
Yuuki Miyaka | Priestess of PWP |
L-Chan | Keeper of 1X2/2X1 Angst |
Asuka | Official Artist |
Moon Lily | Keeper of the Kawaii Chibis |
Wordsmith | Chief Corrupter Of All That Is Innocent, Wholesome And Pure |
Lady DarkAngel | Lady Protector of POVs |
Shira | Purveyor of Duo's Emotional Explication |
Beck | Keeper of the 1xR Doujinshis |
Manon | Official Hentai Beta Reader |
Ashkara | Hentai Warrior Princess |
Tenshi-chan | Angel of Sap & Fluff |
SteelSong | Goddess of Shingami's Basement |
Kiyakotari | Angel of Pain and Sorrow |
Usagi | |
Kennith | Slave of Duo and Wufei |
Excel Kobayashi | Guardian of Une's Glasses |
Dogmatix | Keeper of the Plushies |
Jessica | Keeper of Wufei's sword and Duo's lockpicks / Pimp-Mama Extraordinaire |
Brad | Beta Reader of Gentleman's Auxiliary and Shinigami's Disciple |