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June's Babe - Angelina Jolie!


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Relic Raider

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at the moment - sorry!


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Donations are much appreciated! A Paypal donation allows me to shop for Poser models and props from loads of different sources!

June 2008

8th June 2008 Updates on the way!

This month's babe is Angelina Jolie, from Wanted!
12th June 2008 Some older pics have been reuploaded in the Gallery

I've re-opened my Yahoo Amazongamer Group, for members only! More info here!

May 2008
4th May 2008 Uploaded an old Poser set, Trailer Trash. Not sure if it's been up here before, to be honest. Looks a bit poor now, but some folk may not have seen this one before.

This month's babe is the lovely Shu Qi!

April 2008

6th April 2008 Updates on the way!

In the meantime, this month's babe is Jessica Gower, from the Blade TV series!
13th April 2008 Three more pics up in Keiko's gallery!
27th April 2008 The final of Arena 2007 is now up!

Please note the 2006 Arena set is now rehomed on, and the 2007 set will follow shortly. Due to the new UK laws threatening to make the content of pictures illegal, I'm tidying this site up to remove any content that could be considered violent pron.

Unfortunately, this tidying includes removing a link to a certain site. You all know it anyway. I hope Lady Scarlet forgives me! :(

March 2008

7th March 2008 Re-upped an old Poser set - Wenches With Weapons! It's been up here before but not for a year or two.

Also added some recent stuff in the Gallery.

March's babe is Milla Jovovich! I have no idea if .45 if a decent flick, but Milla's in it and she's posing with a gun on the cover, so how bad can it be? 
8th March Arena 2007 updated with the penultimate battle - Sylvan vs Ilsa!
27th March Clips from Aika R-16 episode 2!

Due to the demise of my Amazonia Archive, I currently have no Message Board. Something similar will return in the future!

February 2008

10th February 2008 My Japanese hitbabe now has a name and her own gallery! Check out Keiko here!

February's babe is Rhona Mitra, from Doomsday!

December 2007

9th December 2007 Deadly Dolls preview updated!

This month's babe is the buffsome Rachel Luttrell, Teyla from Stargate: Atlantis!
16th December 2007 The alternate scene from Arena 2007 - Semi-final 1 is up in the Amazonia Archive page!

November 2007

4th November 2007 The first 17 pics in Semi-Final 1 of Arena 2007 are up! More to follow!

Please note that the 28 pics from The Deadly Dozen will soon be deleted, to be replaced by a gallery of pics from 'Rumble in the Jungle'.

November's babe is Taiwanese Mandopop star Jolin Tsai, as a sexy hitwoman in her 'Agent J' project.
11th November 2007 5 more pics in Semi-Final 1 of Arena 2007, and one extra pic for Fight 1, showing Mitsumi being dragged from the Arena!

October 2007

5th October 2007 This month's babe is the cutesome Aya Matsuura, from 'Yo-yo Girl Cop'!
7th October 2007 Three new pics up in the Gallery!

Babes galleries updated for the first time in ages!

September 2007

11th September 2007 Fight 4 is up in Arena 2007 - Bantu vs Sylvan!

Due to awkward picture sizes, Maggie Q and Melissa George, from Die Hard 4.0 and 30 Days of Night respectively, will have to quick draw it out to see who's September's babe
of the month!

August 2007

5th August 2007 Fight 2 is up in Arena 2007 - Hex vs Kantya! Keep an eye on the Message Board for the voting for Fight 3!

August's babe is Milla Jovovich, from Resident Evil: Extinction!
21st August 2007 Fight 3 is up in Arena 2007 - Ilsa vs Camilla!

July 2007

18th July 2007 Check out the first fight in Arena 2007 - Siobhan vs Mitsumi! Get to the Message Board to make your vote count for Fight 2!

Updated the teaser page for Deadly Dolls 2: Rumble in the Jungle!

June 2007

9th June 2007 Wow, time seems to be flying at the moment. I've been working on finishing off the latest Deadly Dozen chapter for the Archive, and those pics should be up next weekend at the latest. I've also been tinkering with some miscellaneous pics so there should be an update in the Gallery here soon. I'll make sure to post here when that happens. I also should have some new clips for the Yahoo Group soon, and more vidcaps from Vermillion Pleasure Night. Just need to find the time.

June's babe is Kristanna Loken, from Painkiller Jane. Haven't had a chance to check that show out yet, but if I remember the comic correctly she should get wasted on a regular basis. :)
31st June 2007 The last Cutie Soldiers pic is up!

New Gallery pics up!

Two new 'Relic Raider' pics up!

This months babe is Karima Adebibe, the latest official Lara Croft model!

May 2007

27th May 2007 6 more Cutie Soldiers pics. Just one more to go, but it's a biggie so it'll take some finishing off!

April 2007

1st April 2007 Hello! Things have been slow around here for the last few months, I know, but over the next few weeks I'm going to get back into the swing of things!

First up, some new Cutie Soldier Sailor pics. This should have been finished months ago, so it's my first priority. Well, second priority, the first is learning the strange of subtle differences of Poser7, which I've just upgraded to. Don't expect swanky 'art' though, the main reason I updated was to get access to newer models that wouldn't work under Poser5.

Also up today, some vidcaps from 'Vermillion Pleasure Night', a mad Japanese TV sketch show that frequently had the sexy female stars killing each other in strange ways.

Finally, keep an eye on the Message Board - I'll be doing some one-off pics over the coming weeks and I'll probably be posting links to them there.

April's Babe is Rose McGowan, as Candy in Grindhouse! One I'm looking forward to!

Cheers for now!
23rd April 2007 Posted a few new pics in the Gallery.

My Yahoo clips group is open again! Mostly to celebrate the release of Aika R-16: Virgin Mission! Yay! Panties!

I'll be deleting some older content soon, the stuff that makes me cringe when I look at it. So, grab what you want from the Archive before it's all deleted! I'll be upping all the really old stuff in my Erotic Illusions Amazonia site at some point, for the sake of completedness.
30th April 2007 A couple of pics in a new Poser section - 'Relic Raider'. Got a nasty end for poor Lara? Let me know in the Message Board. No promises, but I'll try to fulfil some requests.

A couple more Cutie Soldier pics. A final push should finish this one off finally!

The old archive has been deleted. New content will replace the old guff.

May's babe is Keira Knightley! Apparently she's in some pirate movie.

January 2007

2nd January 2007 Happy new year!

Things are going to be a bit slow around here for the next few months I'm afraid, but I have been tinkering with the last slew of Cutie Soldier pics and I hope to have these up at the end of the month when hopefully I'll be home for a bit longer.

I've also been working on the latest Deadly Dolls story, which will be getting posted in the Archive site with the rest of the episodes when completed. I'll be uploading a handful of new pics to the archive this week - more info about these on the message board.

November 2006

9th November 2006 The Amazon Arena Final is now up.
27th November 2006 If you've been checking out the message board, you'll know I'm having to put the sites in hibernation for a few months while I'm away from home. Hopefully there's be an update at Christmas if I can find the time. If not, I hope everyone has a merry Christmas! Bye for now.

October 2006

8th October

Vidcaps with a Naughty Nurse theme up from The New Avengers (episode 'Angels of Death') and X-Files (episode 'Killswitch')

This month's babe is Natassia Malthe, Ayane from the Dead or Alive movie!

September 2006

3rd September

Put some old vidcaps from 'From Beijing With Love' back up.

This month's babe is Devon Aoki, from the Dead or Alive movie.

17th September

For some reason I've got to move message boards again. The link on the main menu above has been changed.

July 2006

1st July 2006

The first semi-final is up in Amazon Arena 2006 - Nioba vs Kantya!

More Screenshots from Hitman4: Blood Money, levels 2&3 and 4.

This month's babe is Kelly Brook, from the movie Three. Popular critical opinion on this movie seems to be that the film itself is shite, but Kelly's tits are very nice. Fair enough! 

31st July 2006

More Screenshots from Hitman4: Blood Money, level 5

Vidcaps from the Charmed episode Ms Hellfire. The charmed ones foil a black clad hitwoman!

This month's babe is Maggie Q, from Mission Impossible 3.

June 2006

3rd June 2006

Screenshots from Hitman4: Blood Money.

There's a preview page up for Deadly Dolls: Rumble in the Jungle. This 5-part story will be my biggest yet!

Check out my Weblog for samples of upcoming sets, and to see how Nioba and Kantya are looking for the first Amazon Arena semi-final! Weapons and armour were decided by polls on the messageboard.

This month's babe is Kristanna Loken, from the suspicious Bloodrayne movie. Took a hammering review wise, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. But what the hell do I know, I actually quite liked Alone in the Dark! :)

May 2006

8th May 2006

The fourth fight in Amazon Arena 2006 is up - Ayame vs Asha!

April 2006

2nd April 2006

The third fight in Amazon Arena 2006 is up - Kantya vs Venya!

Xena, Alias, Cleopatra, 24, Angel, Firefly... she always stands out and (usually) kicks all kinds of ass, and I should be roundly punished for not having had Gina Torres as Babe of the Month before now!

15th April 2006

Two pages of Game screenshots added, from Vampire: Bloodlines and the excellent Elder Scrolls: Oblivion!

30th April 2006

Two new pics up in Cutie Soldier Sailor Girls

Game screenshots from Hitman 2 and Hitman Contracts, to get us back in the mood in time for the new game!

May's babe is Milla Jovovich, from Ultraviolet!

March 2006

19th March 2006

Two new pics up in Cutie Soldier Sailor Girls

Added a preview page for my EI Amazonia site

February 2006

26th February 2006

The second fight in Amazon Arena 2006 is up, Selina vs N'Toa! Managed to bollocks up the names, so you'll see the name 'Serina' appear on the pics instead of Selina. D'oh! Wasn't worth the time fixing it, though.

Still need to finish the next crop of Cutie Soldier pics, the Amazon Arena thing has kind of been monopolising all the free time I've had lately. They'll be up soon!

March's babe is ... oh hell, you know who it is, this is the fourth time she's been Babe of the Month, and in no less than three of those four she's been coated in black latex, wielding guns and looking mean in shots from Underworld and its sequel Evolutions. It's Kate Beckinsale! Woo-hoo! The movie could be utter shite and I wouldn't even care!

January 2006

7th January 2006

Hope you all had a good holiday season!

4 new pics up in Cutie Soldier Sailor Girls

January's Babe is Charlize Theron, from the big screen reimagining of Aeon Flux.

29th January 2006

Check out the first fight in Amazon Arena 2006, Dushka vs Nioba!

February's Babes are the equally gorgeous Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek, from Bandidas!

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